It’s windy outside and there’s a couple walking past with their dog.  I’m sitting in front of my computer  editing Benk and the Ugly Princess.  I like wind and I like people walking their dogs and I like my story, but it is still hard to be quarantined day after day.  It’s so much of the same thing and stress is in the air. Life is both boring and tense.

At the same time, I’m glad not to be sick.  I’m glad to have my husband with me.  I’m getting a lot done on my story.  We have hot brownies with ice cream every Wednesday and Saturday nights.  I watch movies sometimes and am reading the Emily Windsnap books from the online library. 

Actually, I think life always has sameness and stress; we just notice it more now.  We don’t see the whole picture—only God can do that.  He’s trustworthy—we often don’t, but He’s kind too.  He knows us inside and out. 

So I keep asking for help to trust Him.  And I look forward to tomorrow-it’s Saturday. Hot brownies with ice cream !!