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Endorsements for benk and the ugly princess
“What a fun read! S.G. Byrd has a vivid sanctified imagination, a deep love and understanding of children, and a winsome sense of humor. These come together beautifully in Benk and the Ugly Princess, a worthy conclusion to the Montaland series. There is action suspense as first Rose and then Benk are caught in the evil kingdom of Yospaldo and need to escape. But how? There is also relational suspense as Rose learns to throw off her Yospaldon past and begins to form healthy friendships. Will she succeed? There is humor in some of the personal interactions between Sally’s engaging characters. Perhaps best of all (though it is hard to say what is best in this delightful book), there is real wisdom in how we are to relate to others and especially to the Maker. Yet this is done subtly through the story line; there is nothing preachy here. Children will see that God is patiently at work in each of us when we look to him and learn to trust and rely on him. This is a book that your children or grandchildren will enjoy. And you just might enjoy it yourself before passing it on to them!”
-Constance K. Walker, Grandmother, Scientist, and Author
“Benk and the Ugly Princess is a much-anticipated book in my house! Sally has enthralled my grandchildren with her writings over the years. I’d hear, “when is the next book coming out?”
Sally knows her readers’ hearts and struggles. She’s able to capture and hold their attention through her unexpected adventures. Plus her writings are a source of encouragement as she wrestles honestly with the Maker. Keep your books coming, Sally!“
-Cindy Crabtree, Abundant Joy Women’s Christian Ministry
“There are few things in life that I enjoy more than curling up with a good book and escaping to another world created by S.G. Byrd! Benk and the Ugly Princess was no exception! Within the first paragraph, I was whisked into Montaland, full of new adventures! I love the way that each detail of the world is skillfully crafted so that each sentence comes alive in my imagination. I was captivated by the story and could not put it down until I safely arrived at the end of the journey. I find myself looking back and pondering the issues of faith, repentance, and true forgiveness that are woven within each chapter and throughout the storyline. Rose has become a friend and I find myself hungry to read more. I heartily recommend this read.”
-Donna Huff
“As someone who did not grow up with fairy tales, Sally’s books took me back to those precious years of my childhood. I love the way Sally weaves faith into the details of the life of Rose, which I could easily relate to. Her books have helped me with my walk with the Maker.”
-Anna Li, Co-Founder & VP of Communications for Agape Way Ministry
Captives of the Fern Queen Reviews

Fernpeople reviews

“The Montaland series featuring the Fernpeople has insightful character development of the main character, Janna, as well as a unique and clever plot-line with spiritual undertones sure to inspire young middle-school-age children.”
-Daisy Rearick