C. S. Lewis–big influence, duh!

I haven’t read Out of the Silent Planet or Perelandra for years. I knew that I loved them, but I just haven’t reread them until recently. Now I know where I got my fascination with what a different world might look like and I have to give C. S. Lewis big-time credit for influencing me. He delights in coming up with different colors and creatures and plants. (note–he does it a lot better than I do!) It is a joy to imagine along with him and who knows what God has actually done that we just don’t know about–yet!

Why I Write about Other Worlds

I write about other worlds because it’s fun and because I grew up on C. S. Lewis and Tolkien’s books. When I first started, I wondered, “What would I make a world look like?” Tarth emerged. And then I wondered, “What would a world of mountains be like? Montaland emerged.

Tarth has different colors (a purple sky, blue leaves and grass, green water) and different types of creatures (big-headed Root forest people, dogs that understand human speech, people that live underwater, boulders that walk). This came about because it was really fun to imagine.

Montaland is all mountains of different sizes, except for a large lake that has mountains rising out of it and the Kingdom of Mount Pasture, which has hills instead of mountains and shouldn’t have been allowed in a mountain world, according to Janna, the main character. This came about because I LOVE MOUNTAINS.